Exa Thermometrics leads the way in the manufacture of high quality thermistors for advanced temperature sensing. Starting from ultra high purity transition metal-oxides, further refined into nano particle levels, Exa Thermometrics has pioneered the development of a vast range of material systems, meeting all global RT curve requirements. This State-of-the-art polycrystalline semi–conductor fab facility manufactures NTC thermistor chips, discs and ring/polos, a variety of glass encapsulated chips, lead frame coated devices, microchip based catheter thermistor probes and OEM customer specific temperature probes.
Our ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:2016 and ISO 14001:2015 certified manufacturing plants with Class 100K clean room facilities are based in Bangalore, India. Innovative application engineering capabilities with prototyping facilities results in highly reliable temperature sensors developed in partnership with our customers.
Exa Thermometrics provides NTC Thermistor based sensing solutions for HVAC, automotive, electro-domestics, life-sciences, health and leisure, aerospace and newly emerging applications in the fields of biotechnology, defence, and medical diagnostics.
Our commitment to exacting temperature sensing drives a global need for energy efficiency, transportation safety, emission controls, accurate medical diagnostics, reliability of appliances in an increasingly smarter, ever evolving and greener world.