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PTC Thermistors
PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient) Thermistors have resistance-temperature characteristic that exhibit a very small negative temperature coefficient until the device reaches a critical temperature that is referred to as “Curie’’ temperature
or Transition temperature. Above the curie temperature, the devices exhibit sharp rise in resistance.
  PTC Thermistor Terminology

Zero - Power resistance value - The Zero-power resistance is the measured resistance value of the PTC at 250C, with no appreciable self-heat producing current flowing through the Thermistor.
Transition Temperature (Ttr) - The Transition temperature or switching temperature is the temperature at which the resistance of the PTC Thermistor begins to rise sharply and it is the temperature at which the resistance of the PTC becomes twice the minimum resistance value.
  Switching or Tripping current at 250C - It is the minimum amount of current required by the PTC to guarantee switching at 250C.
Non-switching or non-tripping current at 250C - It is the maximum amount of current the PTC must be able to pass without switching at 250C.
Switching / Tripping Time - It is the time required for switching the devices, while passing the switching current at 250C.

  PTC Thermistors : : telecommunication equipments, motor protection, electronic lighting-Type YMI, surface mount PTCs-PTSM,wired device-general purpose.


© EXA Thermometrics India Pvt. Ltd. No.181, Lake Shore Road, BTM Layout – II Stage, Bangalore:76, Tel :+91-80-40698200, +91-80-40698210\211
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